Warsaw, Poland, May 21÷26, 2012
A joint scientific week comprised of three conferences:
19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communications
MIKON 2012 – May 21 – 23
13th International Radar Symposium IRS 2012 – May 23 – 25
19th International Conference “MIXED Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems”
MIXDES 2012 – May 24 – 26
Organized by: Under the auspices of:
Military University
of Technology
Polish Academy
of Sciences
Warsaw University
of Technology
M&R Week co-chairs: Józef Modelski and Zygmunt Mierczyk
International Radar Symposium IRS-2012
Co-chaired by: Krzysztof Kulpa (Poland), Hermann Rohling (Germany), Adam Kawalec (Poland)
Technical co-sponsorship by: IEEE Region 8, IEEE MTT-S, AP-S, AESS Societies, IEEE Poland
Section, European Microwave Association, European GAAS Association.
The International Radar Symposium IRS 2012 is the continuation of the series of very successful
radar symposia in Munich (1998), Berlin (2000), Bonn (2002), Dresden (2003), Warsaw (2004)
Berlin (2005), Krakow (2006), Cologne (2007), Wroclaw (2008), Hamburg (2009), Vilnius (2010).
Regardless whether you are a customary participant or a newcomer to IRS, you are cordially
invited to join us for this event of modern technology and tradition, vivid scientific discussions,
and friendly atmosphere of getting together.
13th International Radar Symposium IRS 2012
May 23-25, 2012, tutorials – May 22, 2012
Radar Systems Cooo—Chhhaaaiiirrrsss:::
Advanced Sub-Systems Krzysztof Kulpa (Poland)
Radar Applications Hermann Rohling (Germany)
Airport Surveillance & Safety Adam Kawalec (Poland)
Passive, Noise & MIMO Radars
SAR/ISAR/Ultrawideband Members:
Tracking and Data Fusion Cechak Jaroslav (Czech Rep.) Miceli William (England)
Emerging Technologies Czarnecki Witold (Poland) Misiurewicz Jacek (Poland)
Processing Techniques Czekała Zbigniew (Poland) Nouvel Myrian (France)
Computer Modeling Daembkes Heinrich (Germany) O’Hagan Daniel (Germany)
Environment Sensing and Modeling Detlefsen Juergen (Germany) Pietrasinski Jerzy (Poland)
Security Dzvonkovskaya Anna (Germany) Samczynski Piotr (Poland)
Space Technology & Remote Sensing Ender Joachim (Germany) Schiller Joachim (Germany)
Galati Gaspare (Italy) Smolarczyk Maciej (Poland)
DDeeaaddl lli iinneess Gray Douglas (Australia) Solaiman Basel (France)
Himed Braham (USA) Stateczny Andrzej (Poland)
Proposals for special sessions September 15, 2011 Inggs Michael (South Africa) Stec Bronisław (Poland)
Proposal for tutorials October 15, 2011 Jakubiak Andrzej (Poland) Swiercz Ewa (Poland)
Submission of extended abstract January 9, 2012 Kutuzov Vladimir (Russia) Thayaparan Thayananthan (Canada)
Notification of authors March 2, 2012 Le Chevalier Francois (France) Witczak Andrzej (Poland)
Provision of final paper April 2, 2012 Levitas Boris (Lithuania)
Lukin Konstantin (Ukraine)
Malanowski Mateusz (Poland)
A complete manuscript in English describing new work in the areas of Conference Topics should be prepared
in the .pdf format. Full text of the paper should occupy no more than four (but no less than three) A4 pages including
figures, tables, and references.
The submissions will be peer reviewed. All correspondence from the organizers will be addressed to the first author
of the paper. All contributions presented in oral and poster sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings
and CD. As in the previous conferences, they will be later made available to the public through the IEEE Xplore.
The best student and young scientist papers will be awarded.
Advanced negotiations are taking place about special issues of internationally recognized peer reviewed journals in
which a selection of IRS papers will be published after the conference. It is planned that more than one journal will be
available to the IRS authors (depending on the topic of the paper). Please follow the news at the IRS 2012 web page: